The first-party validation package/plugin for FormKit. Read the validation documentation for usage instructions.
Given a node, this returns the name that should be used in validation messages. This is either the validationLabel
prop, the label
prop, or the name of the input (in that order).
createMessageName(node: FormKitNode): string;
— The node to displayThe actual validation plugin function. Everything must be bootstrapped here.
createValidationPlugin(baseRules?: FormKitValidationRules): (node: FormKitNode) => void;
optional — Base validation rules to include in the plugin. By default, FormKit makes all rules in the @formkit/rules package available via the defaultConfig.Extracts all validation messages from the given node and all its descendants. This is not reactive and must be re-called each time the messages change.
getValidationMessages(node: FormKitNode): Map<FormKitNode, FormKitMessage[]>;
— The FormKit node to extract validation rules from — as well as its descendants.Special validation properties that affect the way validations are applied.
interface FormKitValidationHints {
blocking: boolean;
debounce: number;
force: boolean;
name: string;
skipEmpty: boolean;
The interface for the localized validation message function.
interface FormKitValidationMessage {
(...args: FormKitValidationI18NArgs): string;
The interface for the localized validation message registry.
interface FormKitValidationMessages {
[index: string]: string | FormKitValidationMessage;
FormKit validation rules are structured as on object of key/function pairs where the key of the object is the validation rule name.
interface FormKitValidationRules {
[index: string]: FormKitValidationRule;
Defines what fully parsed validation rules look like.
export type FormKitValidation = {
rule: FormKitValidationRule;
args: any[];
timer: number;
state: boolean | null;
queued: boolean;
deps: FormKitDependencies;
messageObserver?: FormKitObservedNode;
} & FormKitValidationHints;
The arguments that are passed to the validation messages in the i18n plugin.
export type FormKitValidationI18NArgs = [
node: FormKitNode;
name: string;
args: any[];
message?: string;
Defines what validation rules look like when they are parsed, but have not necessarily had validation rules substituted in yet.
export type FormKitValidationIntent = [string | FormKitValidationRule, ...any[]];
Signature for a generic validation rule. It accepts an input — often a string — but should be able to accept any input type, and returns a boolean indicating whether or not it passed validation.
export type FormKitValidationRule = {
(node: FormKitNode, ...args: any[]): boolean | Promise<boolean>;
ruleName?: string;
} & Partial<FormKitValidationHints>;